
MARINA releases MISMO-related updates

MANILA – The Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA) released MISMO-related updates and guidelines for seafarers, licensed manning agencies (LMAs), and MARINA-Compliant Medical Facilities of Overseas Workers and Seafarers (MFOWS) together with their accredited Medical Practitioners, through MARINA Advisory 2022-35.

source: https://www.facebook.com/DOTrMARINAPH

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Seafarer Mental Health Awareness

Taking good care of the mental health of the crew should always be monitored frequently.

How do we know if a person is suffering from mental health problem?

According to AMSA’s Maritime Safety Awareness Bulletin Issue 12 – September 2020, Here are the signs that may indicate that a person is having a mental health problem:

• appears to withdraw, isolates themselves, or seems quieter than usual

• appears distressed

• agitated or irritable

• difficulty managing work or workload

• more argumentative, aggressive, or gets into conflicts

• confused, unusually forgetful, or has trouble concentrating

• behaving in a way that is out of character.

When you see those signs, here are the suggestions that you may do to assist the person experiencing it:

 • spend time with the person

 • offer your assistance and a listening ear, but do not intrude on that person’s privacy. Be mindful that there may sometimes be deeper problems that underlie the initial problem they mention

• help them with any practical arrangements they require

• do not take their emotions personally, as this is probably a part of their reaction

• do not downplay or dismiss their problems. Do not tell them they are ‘lucky the situation isn’t worse’—they probably don’t feel lucky

• help them to re-establish a normal schedule as quickly as possible. If possible, include them in the activities of others

• encourage them to be active and involved

• encourage them to look at what they can manage, rather than just thinking about what they want to avoid.

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Always be alert to your crew’s mental behavior. Maintain a fair and supportive working environment all the time.

Source: https://www.amsa.gov.au/news-community/newsletters/maritime-safety-awareness-bulletin-issue-12-managing-mental-health-sea

Certificate of Proficiency (COP) and Certificate of Competency(COC) fees are now lowered.

According to Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA) Facebook page posted last May 16, 2022, the fees for the Certificate of Proficiency (COP) and Certificate of Competency(COC) are slashed effective May 16, 2022 through the MARINA Memorandum Circular SC-2022-02.

The MARINA also reminds the applicants of the following details:

a. Previously filed applications that are still being subjected to evaluation, may it be under Online or Final Evaluation status and other pending applications, that require resubmission of documents, once approved, shall be charged based on the existing (old) fees.

b. Seafarers who wanted to avail of the new fees are advised to cancel their existing applications and re-apply. This will however entail a slight delay as the application will pass through the same process.

source: https://www.facebook.com/DOTrMARINAPH

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Submission of arrival cards to Immigration counters are no longer required for Returning Filipinos.

According to April 12, 2022 Press Release, the BI port operations Chief, Atty. Carlos Capulong, issued a memorandum cancelling the submission of arrival or disembarkation cards by Filipino passengers following the decrease in the number of Covid-19 cases in our country.

Pls find below Press Release from the Immigration website for more details:

Source: https://immigration.gov.ph/images/News/2022_Yr/04_Apr/2022Apr12_Press.pdf